If you are rich,
does it give you a license
To grab everything?
If you are a non-smoker,
Does it give you a license
To judge and isolate the smoker?
If you are not a drug addict,
Does it give you a license to frame the
drug addict?
If you are right,
Does it give you a license,
To yell at those who are wrong in
If you are religious,
Does it give you a license to condemn
The pagans and non-believers?
If you are successful,
Does it give you a license,
To undermine the loser?
If your life is full of blessings,
Does it give you a license,
To label the less fortunate as lazy?
If you are gifted,
Does it give you a license
To discourage the talented?
If you are brave,
Does it give you a license
To threaten the coward?
If you are well-organized,
Does it give you a license
To criticize the messy one?
If you are white,
Does it give you a license
To downgrade the black, brown and
If you are angry,
Does it give you a license
To punch everything and everyone?
If you are not in a good mood,
Does it give you a license
To ruin other’s beautiful days?
If you are a loser,
Does it give you a license
To blame God and everyone?
If you have the cosmic power,
Does it give you a license
To recreate and decide other’s fate?
If you are beautiful
Does it give you a license
To destroy God’s first child’s life?
If you are handsome,
Does it give you a license ,
To create holes in every women’s soul?
If you are an expert,
Does it give you license
To jeopardize the lives of the ignorance?
If you are a student,
Does it give you a license
To do anything you want
Just because you are under age?
If you are a parent,
Does it give you a license
To make your child another you?
If you are a victim,
Does it give you a license
To victimize others?
If you are so disappointed,
Does it give you a license,
To darken other’s life?
If you are broken-hearted,
Does it give you a license
To shatter someone’s heart?
If you have a miserable life,
Does it give you a license
To make other’s life miserable?
If you are the product of child abuse,
Does it give you a license,
To abuse your own child and other
If you are loyal,
Does it give you a license,
To torture the rebellious?
If you are well-fed,
Does it give you a license,
To laugh at starvation?
If you fail in your life,
Does it give you a license
To drag others to fall with you?
In conclusion,
No one is to blame,
Nothing is to blame
But ourselves,
Who failed to learn from the repairable
Who failed to understand that
can change the horrible past,
Who failed to understand that life is
meant to be imperfect,
Who failed to understand the beauty of
Who failed to understand that life is
full of ups and downs,
Who failed to understand that we can
always start again
and make our life better than before,
As changes must always begin with
And as long as we know that God is always
with us.
Originally written by Mani ak Jack
Inspired by God