Of Politic,
Economy and Social of a Country…..
by Mani Jack.
Why is it
political stability the most important factor in economic development?
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
well if you look at a country which is
politically UNstable, you can see how this deterseconomic development. take zimbabwe
for example. it all boils down to resources. a politically unstable environment
usually means that the government is mis-using or mismanaging the country's
resources: resources arent being used to their full capacity, or in a manner
whereby economic development could be maximised. in a situation where civil war
is occuring, money and human resources are taken away from normal jobs and
processes which could be used to develop the economy and are instead being used
to fight a war. the person above is also right in that if a country's political
environment is volatile, this will deter investors and foreign trade which
would add to development. one of the problems that zimbabwe and many other
developing countries have is a corrupt government- the gov uses the country's
money for its own selfish purposes, without a thought for the poor average
person or the development of the country.
What is the
importance of political stability in business?
Answers.com > Wiki Answers > Categories > Science > Social Sciences > Political Science > What is the
importance of political stability in business?
Political stability of a country is
very important for a foreign business to enter into the country. They
analysis of the business is mainly based on its political stability. The companies like IBM and Coke sent
out of India in 1970¶s when there¶s a change in the ruling party
analysis of the business is mainly based on its political stability. The companies like IBM and Coke sent
out of India in 1970¶s when there¶s a change in the ruling party
Why political stability is an important
productive resource for any economy?
Why is political stability an important productive resource for
any economy?
Answer - Chosen by Voters
Political stability allows businesses to plan for future
investments, consumers feel comfortable spending money, foreign countries feel
comfortable negotiating long term trade agreements, and foreign companies feel
comfortable setting up operations within the country.
Countries that lack political stability fail to instill the level of confidence necessary to encourage cooperation with other nations. When foreign countries see coups every couple of years in a country, they will not commit valuable capital and resources that risk being destroyed or taken by the next regime that takes power. Frequent, drastic change makes private property rights nearly impossible to enforce.
Countries that lack political stability fail to instill the level of confidence necessary to encourage cooperation with other nations. When foreign countries see coups every couple of years in a country, they will not commit valuable capital and resources that risk being destroyed or taken by the next regime that takes power. Frequent, drastic change makes private property rights nearly impossible to enforce.
Economics is the study of
production, distribution and consumption of goods and services whether in a
city, country or a single business. Questions about supply and demand and
economic theory are welcome here.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
![]() |
The term social refers to a characteristic of living
organisms as applied to populations humans and other animals. It always refers
to the interaction of organisms with other organisms and to their collective
co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and
irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
In the absence of agreement about its
meaning, the term "social" is used in many different senses and
regarded as a fuzzy concept,
referring among other things to:
Attitudes, orientations, or behaviors which take the interests, intentions,
or needs of other people into account (in contrast to anti-socialbehaviour) has played some role in defining the idea or the principle.
For instance terms like social realism, social justice, social constructivism, social psychology and social capital imply that there is some
social process involved or considered, a process that is not there in regular,
"non-social" realism, justice, constructivism, psychology, or
The adjective "social" is
also used often in political discourse,
although its meaning in a context depends heavily on who is using it. In left-wing circles it
is often used to imply a positive characteristic, while in right-wing circles it
is generally used to imply a negative characteristic. It should also be noted
that, overall, this adjective is used much more often by those on the political
left than by those on the political right. For these reasons, those seeking to
avoid association with the left-right political debates often seek to label
their work with phrases that do not include the word "social". An
example is quasi-empiricism in mathematics which
is sometimes labelled social constructivism by
those who see it as an unwarranted intrusion of social considerations in
mathematical practice.
[edit]Modern uses
In contemporary society,
"social" often refers to the redistributive policies
of the government which aim to apply resources in the public
interest, for example, social
security. Policy concerns then include the
problems of social
exclusion and social cohesion.
Here, "social" contrasts with "private" and to the distinction between the public and the private
(or privatised) spheres, where ownership relations define
access to resources and attention.
The social domain is often also
contrasted with that of physical nature, but in sociobiology analogies
are drawn between humans and
other livingspecies in order to explain social behavior in
terms of biological factors.
The term "social" is also added in various other academic
sub-disciplines such as social geography, social
psychology, social anthropology, social philosophy, social
ontology, social statistics and social choice theory in
How to Help Our Economy Get Better
o 1
Don't put all your faith in banks, credit, the government
or the Federal Reserve. I know what you're thinking, what?? Well, these
entities have fallen hard and many of their shortcomings were out in full
display over the last two years. They may have worked the past couple of
decades, but they are no longer institutions that you should put your full
faith in. These entities aren't going to save us and you shouldn't expect them
to. You need to have options in case another failure comes about and putting
all your eggs in one basket will never give you options.
o 2
Don't focus too much on speculation. Sure, millions and
billions have been made on pure speculation, but most of these people also had
millions to fall back on in case things didn't work out. They also had access
to the top experts in various fields to help them make their decisions. If you
don't have that, keep your money safe and stored.
o 3
Instead of just looking for a job, focus on ways to
create jobs as well. I'm sure you probably need money, who doesn't in today's
economy? Yet, what America needs most of all right now are jobs. Find ways to
be innovative and cost effective so that you can become an entrepreneur and create
jobs to help our economy. Entrepreneurship is never easy and many fail, but if
you succeed, the rewards will trump being an employee for any company.
o 4
Remember you have power and control over your finances.
Don't let the government tell you how to spend your money if you don't have
barely any to spend. Sure there are some good ideas that come about and we
certainly need to continue to change. I'm not saying don't obey laws, you need
to obey the laws, but every four to eight years there is a new administration
with new ideas on how we should live our lives and the one thing that remains
unchanged is the value of saving your money for a rainy day and doing the best
with what you have
How to Improve Your Community
easy to stay isolated and do your own thing, but doing something to improve
your community will give you a sense of belonging and the knowledge that you
are making your neighborhood a better place to live for everyone, including
yourself. Get involved, clean up and better your community so that everyone
o 1
Give back to your community by volunteering. There are a
lot of worthy causes, and they could be as simple as volunteering to coach the
kid's neighborhood ball team, organizing a bake sale or fundraiser for someone
that may be sick or needy in your community, volunteering at a homeless shelter
or soup kitchen, or helping or visiting an elderly person who otherwise may not
have any family to do so.
o 2
Clean up your community. Organize a group of family and
friends and set aside one day a week or month to get together and pick up the
litter and trash on the roadsides or beaches in your community. It doesn't have
to be just your street that you clean up either. Take turns cleaning each
other's streets or pick a different street or section of road each time. Just
be sure to take proper safety precautions.
o 3
Organize a neighborhood watch in your community with your
family, friends and neighbors. This will make the community safer for you and
your neighbors, and give you a good opportunity to get to know your neighbors
o 4
Be active in your community by taking part in local
activities such as church events, charities, town hall meetings, or community
voting. If it affects you and your community, take part and voice your opinion.
o 5
Plan social activities in your community such as
cookouts, ball games, barbecues, festivals, parades, or other annual events.
This can be a great way to get people in the community involved by coming out
and getting to know each other. It will also show any visitors to your
community that it is a friendly and pleasant place to live.
o 6
Set good examples. A great way to improve your community
is not by concentrating on the faults of your neighbors but by setting a good
example of behavior yourself. Be friendly and outgoing to your neighbors and
keep your home clean, your trash picked up, and your yard mowed. Don't be
overly loud or disruptive in the neighborhood.
How to Become a Good Politician
A good politician
need not only get elected; he must also work effectively within the
legislature. According to two former legislators, Lee Hamilton of the U.S.
House of Representatives and Vicki Bourne of the Australian Senate, personal
characteristics and professional skills combine to create a good politician. If
a successful political career is what you want, keep in mind their tips for
working well with colleagues and dealing with the limitations of political
o 1
Develop the personal characteristics of humility and
honesty. Bourne notes that it is the collective institution of the legislature
that holds power; an individual politician must be humble enough to realize
there is little he can do alone. Hamilton states that politicians must be seen
as trustworthy by their colleagues in order to work effectively together.
Constituents, Hamilton states, are also alert to dishonesty in their elected
o 2
Maintain a high level of energy in addition to ambition
and focus. Hamilton says the job of a politician is all-consuming and requires
a great deal of personal effort. Although ambition sometimes has a negative
connotation in the political context, Hamilton states that most politicians
employ their ambition in certain areas of policy more than for personal gain.
Bourne adds that goals are important to a successful career and these should be
specific and measurable.
o 3
Work on your communication skills. Hamilton states that
good politicians should be able to engage with all sorts of people in a wide
variety of environments. Bourne also highlights the importance of listening to
the views of others, as their different experiences may help the politician to
re-think his opinion. Bourne also says it's important to learn how to say no,
but to do so in a way that does not offend.
o 4
Research and become educated on the issues. Bourne
recommends that politicians specialize in a certain area and become the go-to
person on that topic in the legislative body. This will give the politician
standing and influence. Both Hamilton and Bourne emphasize the importance of
knowing the system and how to use it effectively, so that the legislature can
advance the politician's policy goals. Knowledge of the bureaucracy is
necessary to effectively help constituents, Hamilton notes, and this is
important since political office is not an entitlement and politicians must be
loyal to those who elected them.
o 5
Remember the importance of give and take. Hamilton states
that effective politics involves finding common ground. Bourne states that good
politicians keep people on side because their support may be needed in the
future. Hamilton also discourages ideology in politicians, and states, "if
you approach a problem by saying that all the good is in your side and all the
bad lies with the opposition, then you'll never accomplish anything."
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